What is a Mastermind Group & Should You Join One?

The Ultimate Guide for Online Entrepreneurs

The night before I applied for my first $25k per year business mastermind group, I realized I had no idea what I was actually applying for, but was too afraid to show my ignorance and just ask.

I’d seen the posts and pictures from many of the successful entrepreneurs I was following about how helpful masterminds were, how they shared their business secrets, traveled together, and had a tight-knit group of business friends who they could call on.

I longed to be in those  rooms with high-level, successful people and call them my friends.

I longed to have that kind of connection and community, where we geeked out about business but also had meals and adventures and FUN together.

I longed to have the kind of business success they had.

But $25k is a LOT of money, and at that time, my business had been in STEEP decline for 2 years after 3 years of crazy fast growth.

If I was going to invest in a mastermind, I wanted to fully understand exactly what it was that I was investing in and make sure I wasn’t wasting money because I had a big case of FOMO.

So I did what any typical online entrepreneur would do.

I went to google and searched for “What is a Mastermind?”

Last Updated: 3/22/23

What is a Mastermind Google Gif

I wanted to know what actually happened inside of masterminds, if it’d be worth it, and what I’d get from it.

More than anything, I wanted reassurance that I wasn’t making some huge, expensive mistake that I’d regret.

Spoiler Alert: I applied and was accepted.

And I literally almost puked when I got my acceptance video, because now I had to decide if I was REALLY going to invest that much money into something that I still didn’t fully understand.

This guide is the advice I wish I would have had in that moment. It would have helped make my decision so much easier.

If you’re an online entrepreneur who is thinking about joining a Business Mastermind Group but aren’t sure if it is right for you, my hope is that you’ll have lots more clarity after reading this guide.

Because I like having fun, I added a few AI Images I created that looked okay… until you zoom in and look close.

I hope you are as amused by these AI Image FAILS as I am!

What is a Mastermind?

A Mastermind is a curated group of like-minded business owners who meet regularly and ask each other for advice, resources, ideas, accountability, and support.

Each person benefits from the collective wisdom of the group, allowing them to grow faster by seeing what’s working for others while avoiding costly mistakes.

Because this is a safe place where you can ask for help, talk about your real struggles, and get advice from other generous and intelligent entrepreneurs who won’t judge you, you often form deep bonds with the other mastermind members as well.

They meet regularly, either virtually via zoom, in person, or both, and good masterminds usually have a clear format to follow each meeting so you know exactly what to expect.

What is the Difference Between a Mastermind, Group Coaching, & Other High Ticket Programs?

Mastermind vs. Group Coaching:

The main difference between a Group Coaching program and a Mastermind is that in a Group Coaching program, there’s a coach leading the group through a specific program or course.

In many group coaching programs, the coach gives each group  implementation tasks to put what they are learning into practice, may give feedback, answer questions when people are stuck, and work with the group to help them make progress.

However, in a true Mastermind, there’s no specific program or course that people go through together. 

Instead, everyone helps each other with whatever they are working on at the time and benefits from the shared advice, relationships, and opportunities that arise from the members of the group generously helping each other.

Mastermind vs. High-Ticket Program

A high-ticket program is a premium offering that involves one-on-one coaching or direct access to the coach or mentor  as a person works towards a specific goal. It may or may not have a specific program or course associated with it. 

In a Mastermind, there’s generally no one-on-one coaching from the person leading it, and the leader is more of a facilitator than the sole expert or mentor of the group. 

While you may join a mastermind group that’s run by your favorite expert and often refers back to their content or programs, each member is empowered to share generously so everyone can learn from each other. The expert is more of a facilitator amongst peers than the one answering every question.

There are a variety of other high ticket programs on the market, most of which are based on a course, method, or framework where people pay 5-figures or more to get more one-on-one or group help, support, and  implementation  as they work through the content. 

Other Mastermind Differences:

A Mastermind generally does not have a set piece of content that everyone is working through at the same time. It’s more peer-based and everyone may be working on different things at the same time but asking the mastermind group for advice on what they are currently needing help with. 

Finally, because you build strong relationships and truly get to know the other members of your mastermind, you often get more value from the mastermind the longer you stay in it. People get to know you and your business more deeply over time, so the advice they give you after being together a few years is far more valuable and relevant than the advice they’ll give you after meeting you for the first time. 

This is different from group coaching or high ticket programs which often have a fixed start and end point that could range from a few weeks to a year or more.

This AI-Image of a Mastermind Group is particularly failed…

Can anyone explain what’s happening in the window to me, please?

Why Do People Join Masterminds?

High-level entrepreneurs join masterminds because they know that once you have the basics down, the secret to becoming a leader in your field is all about your connections and your mindset. There’s no better way to improve both of these things than to join a Mastermind.

You also get access to a much wider network of people that you might not be able to connect to otherwise. 

For example, let’s say you want to get an article published in a big news outlet. You’re more likely to get featured if someone in the group has a connection to an editor of that news outlet than if you just cold-email them on your own. 

This is just one example of how you get better opportunities than you would have on your own.

Plus, you can learn and implement faster (with fewer mistakes) when you’re able to access the collective wisdom of the group.

I asked several of the 7-figure business owners in the mastermind I’m in (Impact Mastermind with Stu McLaren) why they joined a mastermind, and here’s what they had to say:

Scott Paley

Jennifer Allwood

Susan Bradley

Emily Jeffords

Rachel Miller

Nicholas Wilton

Tracy Harris

Candace D’Agnolo

What’s the Main Benefit of a Mastermind Group?

I really had to think about this one, because there are so many really valuable things that you get from being in a mastermind, so it was hard to narrow it down to the main benefit I see, but here’s my honest opinion on it. 

The main benefit of a Mastermind is that it helps you become who you need to be in order to have the business you want to have, all while giving you access to people, knowledge, and opportunities that you never would have had on your own. 

When you surround yourself with amazing people doing incredible things that support you and genuinely want to see you grow, you start to believe that it’s possible for you, too.

A Mastermind will change who you are. 

The Socialization Effect in a mastermind is strong. Let me explain.

Who we are is heavily based on the people we surround ourselves with, so when you surround yourself with other high-level entrepreneurs who are at or beyond your level, and you truly engage with them and create relationships with them, you start to adopt their norms, values, beliefs, and behaviors. 

Psychology has shown that this is the best way to help us acquire knowledge, attitudes, and skills, and the people we are closest to play a significant role in shaping and influencing our identity & behavior. 

If you surround yourself with the kind of people you want to be, you’ll literally be more apt to become like them. 

And when you watch them do something amazing, and see all the behind-the-scenes and realize that you can do it too, something shifts in you and you actually start to believe it’s possible for you, too. 

You change. 

This is why it’s SO important to pick a group that’s aligned with the values and behaviors you want to have in your life. 

A good group will help elevate you in ways you couldn’t imagine and that are hard to explain until you experience them. 

You’re especially likely to adopt these traits, behaviors, and identities if you made a significant investment in the mastermind. 

Alternatively, if you join a group that does things very differently from the way you like to do them, or who have values that don’t align with yours, you’ll be more likely to adopt the values of the group and perhaps become someone you’re not. 

Don’t join a mastermind group that brags about how “greed is good” and “you SHOULD be working 80+ hours a week if you wanna be successful” if you want to focus on lifestyle design and on making an income in a balanced way that makes a real difference in the world of your clients. 

(Yes, sadly, that was taken from a real mastermind that someone I know well joined… ew.)

Here’s a list of the benefits you’ll get from a Business Mastermind Group: 

Real-Time Insight into What Others are Doing

You’ll get a behind-the-scenes look at how other people are growing their businesses.

This is especially valuable the longer you know them, as you’ll see their growth & strategy changes over time. 

You’ll Adopt a New Normal

Not only will you want to rise to the level of the group, but you’ll start to see what parts of the journey are normal. 

For example, every entrepreneur I know who relies on launches to grow will have a downturn in their results at some point. 

Doesn’t matter if you’re a 5, 6, 7, or even 8+ figure business. It’s totally normal to have a few launches do worse, even more normal for them to be back to back.

When this happens, it’s easy to think you’re a failure or it’s your fault if you don’t know that this is just a normal part of growing a business. 

Plus, then others in the group can help you see how to overcome these normal challenges so you don’t lose your confidence or worse, start believing that you can’t actually do it anymore and have you give up. 

You’ll also know if your results are normal.

Converting 35% on a live webinar but it’s not as high as you expected?

They’ll be plenty of people there to reassure you that those results are actually double what most people get so you’re not making something a problem that isn’t

You’ll Overthink Things Less

When you have a group of people who you can ask for advice at any time, and get really great feedback, you’re less likely to waste all sorts of time overthinking things or worrying about things that don’t actually matter (like making super tiny format changes to your website that won’t change conversions at all and aren’t worth wasting time on….). 

You’ll Have More Confidence

When you share your plans with the group and they can give you validation & affirmation that your plan is solid,  you will move forward with more confidence and not waste time or energy worrying about if there’s something else that would be better.  

You’ll Get New Ideas & Innovate Easier

One of the beautiful parts of being in a mastermind group with people from different industries is that you see what is working for people in other industries, so you’re not just doing what everyone else in your niche is doing. 

This allows you to differentiate and stand apart from everyone else, positioning you as a leader and giving you an edge to grow your business faster

You Get More Opportunities 

Whether it’s opportunities to collaborate, or introductions to people you’d never have access to otherwise, there’s a ton of different ways you’ll have opportunities open up to you that you never would have had otherwise. 

My friend Sarah got a book deal because of sharing her story in a Mastermind that happened to have a book editor in it. 

I have been invited to speak on stages because of the mastermind I’m in. 

I’ve seen very profitable collaborations happen because of connections made in masterminds. 

I’ve even hired team members & found better tools based on the recommendation of others. 

You can’t always predict the opportunities you’ll have because of being in a mastermind, but they can grow your business FAST and seem to “come out of nowhere”…

... but they really came out of your commitment to join a mastermind group and invest in building relationships. 

You’ll Get Advice & Avoid Mistakes

When you’ve got a question, you’ll get advice from a variety of people in the group can speak from their experiences, telling you what worked best for them and also what mistakes to avoid! 

You’ll Grow Faster

When you’re more confident in your decisions (and not wasting time overthinking things), and know what mistakes to avoid, and can ask for advice from others & get access to the people in their network, you’re going to grow faster and make fewer mistakes.

How could you not? 

You Get Support When Things are Hard

Struggles are a natural part of business. No one is immune. 

Having a supportive, trustworthy group of entrepreneurs who can help remind you of who you are, what you’re capable of, and how to reframe your thoughts are invaluable.

Few people truly understand the pressures that come with running your own business.

When you have people who totally get it and who won’t judge you for your struggles, it changes everything

You’ll Make Lifelong Friends

Not only do I have a group of trusted business colleagues surrounding me, but I’ve also gotten to know many of them on a personal level, gone camping with them, met their families, stayed in their homes, and many of them have become closer to me than family

They even help with personal advice.

From family life, to personal & relational advice, I know I can go to them for help and support. 

You’ll Believe Bigger

At some point, your goals become so big that the “normal” people in your life simply don’t understand or can’t comprehend the scale of it.

You can’t just tell your friend who’s working in a shitty 9 to 5 job for $60k per year how disappointed you were that you ONLY made $75k in your last launch and what a disappointment that was…. 

And when you can’t talk about your goals and dreams freely with the people closest to you, it can hold you back from reaching them.

Surround yourself with people who not only dream big, but are doing big things as well.

People who make your dreams feel small.

And you’ll begin to set bigger goals, AND you’ll actually believe you can accomplish them (so you will). 

There’s so many more benefits. I can’t even list them all.

You’d THINK this one was good… but again, a quick zoom-in shows that AI images of Mastermind Groups still have a long ways to go.

How Much do Masterminds Cost?

Business Mastermind Groups can range in price from $10k per year to over $100k per year.

Why Are Masterminds So Expensive?

Masterminds are often run by high-level Entrepreneurs that you normally can’t get access to very easily, and who need to charge enough to make putting the group together worth their time. 

The fact that you will become “known” by someone with that kind of influence in the industry may be worth the fee you pay alone. 

Not only that, but the high price acts as a filter to ensure that you’re joining a group of beginners who can’t afford this kind of investment. 

There’s also several costs that go into creating in-person mastermind experiences, with many groups meeting several times a year in high-end locations, but this is likely secondary to the reasons above.

Are Paid Masterminds Really Worth It?

They can be, but not all of them are. 

It Depends on the Leader

Unfortunately, there are lots of high-level entrepreneurs who decide to run a mastermind because it’s the next logical step on their value ladder, NOT because they really want to run one. 

Often, because they are so consumed with all the other things going on in their business, the Mastermind gets treated as an afterthought and it doesn’t actually provide the benefits I listed above. 

Or it’s so big that you don’t actually get to know all the people in the group, so you never get the benefit of really being known or having a safe place to be vulnerable when things are hard. 

This isn’t the case with all masterminds, but before joining an expensive mastermind, I recommend talking to a few people who are in the group to ask them what they really think about it before making that sort of commitment.

More often than not, people are disappointed by the experience they have. 

That being said, a GOOD Mastermind that is highly-curated, has a strong set of values and culture, that isn’t too big, and that has a leader that genuinely invests time, thought, and care into the group can be absolutely amazing and creates an environment that will make you more money than you pay, year after year. 

I’ve been in a mastermind for over 6 years now that is hugely valuable to me, and based on the high renewal rate I have in the Brighter Together Mastermind, I know that it can be done. 

It Also Depends on YOU. 

I’ve been in a mastermind and/or running one long enough now that I can tell you exactly who is and who isn’t going to renew for the next year. 

If someone doesn’t engage or truly enter in, allowing themselves to ask questions, ask for help, and participate in the higher level conversations we have, they won’t find it valuable. 

The value comes in the relationships you build. 

There’s zero value in being a wall-flower or lurker  in the Mastermind. 

If you’re not ready to truly engage in a Mastermind, you’re likely not going to find it valuable.

You won’t get the same opportunities, and people won’t get to know you or your business well enough to be able to give really custom, specific advice to you and your situation. 

So if you’re not willing to engage and really get to know the people in the mastermind you’re joining, I can almost guarantee that it won’t be worth it to you.

How do Free Peer Masterminds Compare to Paid Masterminds?

I’ve been in both free masterminds that I’ve started as well as paid masterminds, and they can each have their benefits. 

Part of me wants to say that a free Mastermind is like all the AI-Generated Mastermind images you see on this page… they look pretty close to the real thing, but when it comes down to the details, they aren’t even close to the real thing.

But that’s not true in all cases and is a pretty gross generalization.

(Pardon my lame pun) 🤪.

Here’s how to decide which is best for you. 

Commitment of People

While I started by running my own mastermind in my industry as a private, free invite-only facebook group, I wasn’t ever exposed to new people outside of that group and all the people were in my industry and we all ended up doing the same things

I couldn’t get people to commit to meeting regularly or in person, so while it had some benefit in terms of collaborations and finding affiliate partners, it really didn’t go much further than that. 

When people pay, they pay attention. The more they pay, the more committed they are to showing up. 

When I finally joined a high-level mastermind group, the commitment of people & level of their success from the people I was able to meet and connect with was MUCH higher. 

They were doing bigger things that stretched me, instead of me mostly leading the group I had created. 

The commitment & success of people in the paid mastermind group was generally much higher than in my little free one, and I got way more benefit from being part of it than I paid for. 

Paid masterminds are highly curated, so you know that the people in the room have something valuable to bring to the group and are aligned with the mastermind’s values and beliefs. 

Commitment to Yourself

This is harder to quantify, but there’s something big that shifts internally when you realize that you and your dream are worth investing in and you make a big investment in yourself. 

If you don’t believe in yourself, who else will? 

So when you take the leap to invest in yourself and your business at a level that makes you uncomfortable and may stretch you, you begin to act differently and you are more likely to actually succeed. 

If you’re into manifestation, there’s something that happens on the quantum level when you have that kind of belief in yourself and your business. 

You show up differently. 

You’re more confident (even if at first you will feel a little afraid and second guess yourself… don’t worry, that’s normal. I almost puked when I got my acceptance into the high-level paid mastermind I’m part of). 

So there’s a value you get from investing that much into yourself that you simply do not get from a free Mastermind. 

Plus, it’s a very different dynamic to be the one running a mastermind vs just being able to fully participate and let someone else worry about the details. 

BUT… Start a Peer Mastermind of Your Own IF…. 

If you’re just getting started and are making less than $75k per year, and you don’t have a lot of experience to share yet, I think starting a peer mastermind on your own is a great idea, but don’t be afraid to step away from it once you outgrow it. 

Once you outgrow a group, staying in it can actually hold you back.

You don’t want that lower level to be your “normal”.

You need to stretch & keep growing. 

Making the leap out of my free fb group mastermind into a high-level, paid mastermind was something I wish I had done WAY sooner. 

In fact, most people I talk to think they aren’t ready, but they really could have benefited from one much sooner. 

Not sure if you’re ready for a paid mastermind group yet? Here are 3 signs that you’re ready for a mastermind group.

Free vs. Paid Masterminds are a bit like Masterminds with normal people vs. Masterminds with Super Heros. You’ll see way more magic happen in the paid groups.

The MOST Important Question You Should Ask Before Joining a Mastermind Group

Being in a mastermind group has changed my life in more foundational ways than I can count. 

How I think, what I value, where I invest my time and money… nothing has shaped it more than the people I’m with in a mastermind. 

In my case, this has been incredibly good and beneficial because I waited to join a mastermind until I found one with a leader that had the same level of integrity and valued the same things that I did, so the group attracted people with the same values that I held most dear. 

So before joining any mastermind group, ask yourself the following question: 

What are the values of the group, and do they align with the personal values I hold most dear?

This is why I list out the Brighter Together Mastermind values right on the homepage of my site, so that people will know immediately if they align with them or if they do not. 

I would have joined a mastermind group a few years earlier, but I knew how important this was and I was glad I waited until I found the group for me, as it’s been an incredible place to grow over the last 6 years. I’m a different person (in the best of ways) because of that group.

How Do You Find the Right Mastermind for You?

There are a number of things to consider besides values before you should join a Business Mastermind Group. 

How Many People Should Be in a Mastermind?

I’ve been in Mastermind groups as small as 3 people and as large as about 110, and (unsurprisingly) they have a vastly different feel. 

I tend to prefer smaller groups where I can really get to know people and become known by them so that the advice we give is very specific to each person and their business. 

However, I like to have enough people to have a variety of experiences and ideas, so my ideal is 5-12 people

This allows for lots of ideas and experiences, while still being small enough to really know each person and their business well. 

Personally, once a group gets beyond 12 people, I feel like it starts to break off into smaller cliques naturally, plus it gets harder to really know each person and business well, so I have structured Brighter Together Mastermind to be small groups of 5-12 people. 

This doesn’t mean you can’t get value from a group of 13, 18, or even 100. They just have a very different feel.

Larger groups of 30+ tend to feel more like curated peer content and tend to lack the relational elements that I think truly make a mastermind powerful. 

You likely won’t know everyone in the group when there’s that many (and large groups of 50+ may simply feel like overly expensive online Facebook groups if not done well), but in certain cases where there are group collaborations (like group investing opportunities or online summits or some other form of specific group collaborations) a larger group may be more beneficial. 

The ideal size really depends on how relational you want it to be, and if you are there just to hear ideas and business advice or if you’re actually wanting to form a true network of people who know you and want to see you succeed.

What’s the Culture of the Mastermind Group?

This is slightly different from the values of the group, as it indicates how people operate within the Mastermind Group itself. 

In a healthy, true mastermind, generosity and helping each other without holding back is the name of the game. 

That doesn’t mean you have to give all your services away for free, but it does mean that you’re willing to share a lot more than you would with someone outside the mastermind and not be afraid of sharing freely within the right context. 

I’ve heard of several masterminds (generally larger, more expensive ones) where people will set up times to meet with you under the guise of simply being willing to help you figure something out, but it’s actually just a sales call in their mind disguised as a “helpful call”. 

Gross. Just don’t. 

No one joins a 5 or 6-figure per year mastermind to be pitched by all the other members of the group. 

While many of the Brighter Together Mastermind members do end up hiring each other to do things for them, or pay to join each others’ courses, they never give advice that is just a big sales pitch or that withholds until they agree to become a client. 

All good, true Mastermind groups are lead with a spirit of generosity and giving, with the intention of helping each other grow.

How Often Do You Want to Meet?

Some masterminds meet every day, some only meet twice a year, and you’ll find everything in-between. 

This really depends on how much you want to build real relationships with the other people in the group and how often you want to be able to ask for advice in a more formal setting. 

Brighter Together Mastermind meets 2 times per month virtually, and one time per year in a 3-day in-person Mastermind Retreat, with a Telegram group for connecting in-between meetings. 

I find that this is spaced out enough to not be too overwhelming for people to fit into their schedule, but provides the ongoing engagement you need to really build strong relationships and get to know each other well.

The first paid mastermind I joined meets 3 times per year in person, and I think that’s the bare minimum you’d need to make it feel like you can really get to know people and grow together. The in-person element really accelerates the feeling of connection.

Virtual vs. In-Person Masterminds

I think the absolute ideal here would be to find people local to you that you could meet with in-person regularly.

There’s something incredibly connecting about meeting together in person that is lacking when you just meet online virtually. 

That being said, most online entrepreneurs join Masterminds with people from around the globe, so meeting together in person frequently isn’t possible. 

In this case, I love a good mix of virtual and in-person meetings

Virtual Mastermind Meetings allow you to meet more frequently, and when formatted correctly, it’s still going to leave you feeling connected. 

In-Person Mastermind Meetings have a special superpower that you just can’t emulate online in the same way. 

They often include some sort of travel, which causes you to get outside your normal environment and think differently about your business. 

Plus, you get to have shared experiences together that bond the group in ways that you just can’t do virtually, and these start to form a collective history that permeates the culture of the group.

Let’s just say that this tandem bike trip across the Golden Gate Bridge that we did in Stu McLaren’s mastermind went down in infamy for a number of reasons… and I’ll never forget that experience (nor will anyone else that was there)!

The Infamous Tandem Bike Trip across the Golden Gate Bridge at Impact Mastermind with Stu McLaren.

While doing something like a biking adventure might seem like a waste of time if you’re just wanting to grow your business, the bonds you form make you more likely to want to help each other, plus there are lots of lessons to be learned when you’re stretched outside your comfort zone. 

When you meet in person, there’s also a magic that happens between the “formal” meetings that can’t be achieved in the same way virtually.

The conversations you have at meals or while walking together somewhere often give you insights you wouldn’t have gotten in the formal setting otherwise. 

In Brighter Together Mastermind, we meet 2 times per month virtually and then once per year for an in-person Mastermind retreat.

I have found that this is frequent enough to form real bonds, and the annual in-person event really helps people grow together in an even deeper way. 

The only thing I’d try to avoid is hybrid events where some people meet in person and some people meet virtually at the same time

While I’ve offered this for my in-person retreat since I had people from around the world, and because during Covid some people literally couldn’t travel from their countries, I’ve found that it just isn’t the same experience for the virtual attendees. 

They may feel left out of the activities that people are doing together in-person that they can’t attend (like hanging out afterwards, going to meals, etc.) 

While it can be done if you must, it’s not ideal for the virtual attendees. I honestly think all virtual or all in-person is a better experience for the members.

How Curated is the Mastermind? Who Else is in the Mastermind?

The last thing you want to do is join a mastermind group where you’re so far beyond everyone else that you don’t get any value. 

Make sure that you understand the vetting process that people go through before being accepted into the group.

Most good masterminds have an application process and filters to make sure that only the right people who fit certain, clear criteria are invited into the mastermind. 

It only takes one person who isn't a good fit to change the entire experience of a group. A good mastermind leader will make sure that doesn’t happen (or will take swift action to rectify it if it does).

Should You Join a Mastermind With People In Your Same Industry?

Some people are afraid to share openly with people who might be their direct competitors if they are in the same industry

However, my first mastermind was all people in the photography industry, and we all grew together (and faster) by helping each other out. 

When people are in your industry or in an industry similar to yours, and they truly come with a spirit of abundance and not fear and secrecy about what they’re doing, the opportunities for collaboration and sharing audiences and clients are massive, and it’s a fast way to grow. 

That being said, it can also be incredibly valuable to have people from outside your industry in a mastermind with you. 

When I joined my first paid Mastermind with online entrepreneurs in all different kinds of industries, the ideas I saw working for people in different niches gave me ideas for ways I could innovate in my own niche and set myself apart from everyone else. 

So often people just copy what everyone else in their industry is doing. This gives you an opportunity to innovate and differentiate and is incredibly valuable from that point of view.

Should There be a Theme to the Mastermind?

The first paid Mastermind I joined was lead by Stu McLaren, who teaches people how to start membership sites, so everyone there ran a membership. 

This can be helpful as you’ll get specific advice that you might not otherwise get if you run a membership but everyone else only sells high-ticket group coaching programs, since they don’t have as much experience with memberships. 

Some are themed more on values, like Brighter Together Mastermind, but everyone there is an online entrepreneur or is moving online and brings some other valuable experience. 

Others may be more tightly themed, such as a mastermind that’s specifically meant to help you collaborate with others in a specific industry and encourages you to actively promote the other members of the group or refer your clients to them when it’s appropriate to do so.

A theme isn’t necessary, and most masterminds are a mix of people with a variety of experiences behind them, giving you a wide variety of advice and experience to learn from.

This is truly just personal preference, so decide based on what appeals most to you. 

If there was a Vikings-Themed Mastermind, I imagine it’d be much like this.

Except maybe their faces would be less distorted… or not?

How Long Should You Expect to Stay in a Mastermind? 

A true mastermind gets better the longer you’re in it, because you’ll build deeper and deeper relationships the longer you’re there, and the advice you’ll get in years 3, 4, 5 and beyond is far better than the advice you get when people first meet you because they will know you better. 

While you might join a short-term mini-mastermind around a specific goal or to check out what a mastermind is actually like, the biggest benefits come after you find your people and really engage in the group.

Most high-end masterminds will have a minimum of a 6-12 month commitment. 

Brighter Together Mastermind has a 1-year commitment, but it’s not a 1-year program, and most people stay for multiple years after joining (and often refer their friends to join us, too!) 

I also run 4-week mini masterminds that let people experience what it’s like before committing, because I know how scary it can be to invest so much when you’re not sure if it’s really right for you or not. I’ve found that you know within the first 2 meetings if it’s a good fit or not.

Every Mastermind Meeting will be different, but most of them will have the following elements:

  1. Celebration: A way to share wins and talk about what’s really working in your business

  2. Advice: A place to ask for advice from the group

  3. Collective Wisdom: A way to share your expertise with the group so they can benefit from it

  4. Support: A safe place to share when you’re struggling & need help

  5. Connection/Collaboration: Encouragement to connect with each other & help each other grow.

  6. Motivation/Inspiration: Higher-level conversations, reflections, and/or accountability 

In Brighter Together Masterminds, our typical meetings run like this:

The official meeting is 2 hours long, but we open up zoom 30 min early for people to arrive  and catch up with each other in casual, informal conversations before we start, then we start promptly on-time. 

During the meeting, we usually go through the following format: 

  1. Announcements (if any). We keep these short.

  2. Sharing Wins. Everyone shares a personal & business win since the last meeting. This allows us to learn what’s working real-time from each other and ask more questions, and it reminds us all of how much we accomplish so we can celebrate it together without just moving on to the next thing without acknowledging it. 

  3. Hot Seats, Discussions, Other Activities, and/or Member Shares. Hot seats are where people can ask the group for advice or strategies, and we do these pretty regularly. This is where a lot of the business tactics and advice come out to shine, and many times you can pick up something valuable even when it’s not your own hot seat. 

  4. Takeaways. Sometimes we hear something in the meeting that we realize we want to apply to our business in a different way, and sharing that with the group at the end can help others who might find it valuable to do so too.

What Happens at a Mastermind?

Want to know what some of the Takeaways from Brighter Together Mastermind  are?

I share one takeaway from the Mastermind every Tuesday via email, so you can sign up here to get a taste of what you might learn.

We also have quarterly reflections that we do each quarter, and different activities to help us understand each others’ businesses and connect. 

The structure at the 3-day in-person mastermind retreat is a little different, with lots of time for discussion, hot seats, learning, support, guest speakers and teachers, and fun. 

Some Masterminds lead by others are just hot seats & member shares, where each member is expected to share a tactic in front of the group, so it’s more like a peer-lead conference than it is a mastermind meant to help you connect to others.

Make sure you know what you want and the Business Mastermind Group is like before joining one.

Should You Join a Mastermind?

I’m a HUGE believer in Masterminds, but not until you’re ready for them. 

To determine this, you need to look at your Business AND your Self before deciding.

Are you READY to join a Mastermind?

Not everyone is ready yet. 

Here’s a few BUSINESS Reasons Why You Should Not Join a Mastermind: 

  1. You’re still figuring out your offer and have never sold anything before.
    You don't know how to build an audience, nurture them, sell to them, or deliver your product or offer to them. You’re still learning the foundational basics of what it takes to run a business. At this point, you should learn the basic strategies first. 

  2. You aren’t really sure who you serve

  3. You can’t afford the Mastermind, and it would cause you considerable stress to pay for it. 

  4. You are struggling to take action and do the things you know you need to do.
    Masterminds are only going to make you your money back if you’re an action taker who puts what they learn into action.

If you’ve got an offer that sells at least somewhat consistently, you understand the basics, and you’re ready to grow beyond where you are, then your business could likely benefit from being in a mastermind. 

The reality is, most people wait too long to join a Mastermind, but once you’re passing the $75k per year mark or more, you’re probably ready from a business standpoint. 

In the meantime, you should at least sign up for the free weekly Takeaway Tuesday newsletter, where you get to hear one of the takeaways from the group each week. 

…But are you PERSONALLY ready to join a Mastermind? 

This is even more important to consider before joining a Mastermind to make sure it’ll be worth it for you. 

  1. Do you believe in yourself and your business enough to invest in it?
    A huge personal shift takes place when you invest in yourself in a way that most people haven’t before this, but if you’re not ready to do this, it’ll just causes more anxiety and fear and could derail you. 

  2. Are you ready to fully engage in a community, both in engaging AND in contributing regularly, and are you wanting to meet and get to know new people?

  3. Are you open to sharing what is working and what did NOT work for you if you have a safe environment? 

  4. Are you willing to ask for help when things are hard? 

  5. Are you teachable and willing to listen to recommendations for others without immediately writing it off as to why it won’t work for you? 

  6. Do you operate out of a feeling of abundance, sharing what’s working freely without fear of it somehow coming back to hurt you? 

  7. Do you love helping others? Are you willing to let others help you too? 

If you said no to any of the above, you’re probably not at a place personally where you’ll find a Mastermind valuable. 

You’ll notice I didn’t ask if you had the TIME to participate. 

Because most likely, you don’t. 

The people who need a Mastermind the most generally don’t have any time for one.

Masterminds are NEVER convenient. 


Especially ones that require travel. 

BUT, the people who need this most are people who are so stuck in the messy middle of their business that they don’t have time for anything else.


They are often so caught in the weeds that they don’t have the space to see the big picture clearly or to really understand how to streamline things so they can get their life back! 

The members of a mastermind can help you to simplify your business so that you can finally get out of the messy middle, simplify, and scale, all while getting more time back. 

I know, it seems backwards, but sometimes we need to slow down so we can speed up

You can’t speed up if you’re already pushing the pedal to the floor and are running on max all the time already. 

Everyone gets there, and a Mastermind can help you find and see the way through based on their experiences.

More fails…. I just can’t stop looking at them…

I know. My sense of humor is questionable at best…

How to Join a Mastermind

Here’s how the process works. 

Most Mastermind Groups are highly curated, so you’ll likely need to fill out an application and/or have an interview before you’ll be invited to join. Some applications require a deposit as well, though not all do. 

Some groups are always open for enrollment, like Brighter Together Mastermind, while others only open once per year or every so often. 

Here’s how you Apply to Join Brighter Together Mastermind 

  • Step 1: Fill out this Mastermind Application

  • Step 2: If things initially look good, we have a conversation via Zoom to talk through the application, ask any questions of each other, and see what group would be the best fit for you (since I run several groups). 

  • Step 3: If accepted, you’ll get an acceptance video & join! If not, I’ll let you know and explain why. 

If you’re considering Brighter Together Mastermind and still aren’t sure if it’d be a good fit for you or if you’re ready, you can also message me on my phone here and I’ll personally respond.

About Brighter Together Mastermind

Want to hear more of the specifics about Brighter Together Mastermind? I explain everything in this short video, plus share what some of the members think below.

What Members Say About Brighter Together…

“Brighter Together is hugely, hugely valuable for anybody who wants to go faster, go further and level up.

~ Mary Grant

“Brighter Together is such an integral part of my business success and my lifestyle design that I can imagine my life without it.”

~ Jerry Potter

“It's really helped me to streamline and think strategically about how I'm going to move my business forward in the very best way as possible…. It has dramatically changed me as a person & changed me as an entrepreneur.”

~ Michelle Sandler

“It's been so helpful to get feedback from people that know my business better than anybody else…. I can already see how it's helping me lay the foundation for really fast accelerated growth in the coming months.”

~ Jared Romey

“I've been part of a lot of different coaching programs, many workshops, courses, programs, and memberships, and never been in a Mastermind like this. I highly recommend it.”

~ Diane Cunningham Ellis

Additional Resources

Takeaway Tuesdays

Get a taste of some of the conversations & things we’re sharing in Brighter Together Mastermind by subscribing to Takeaway Tuesdays here, where you basically get to eavesdrop on one takeaway from the Mastermind Group each week. 

Start a Mastermind in Your Own Business

Learn everything you need to know to design, launch, and fill your Mastermind here.

Subscribe to the Brighter Together Podcast

Listen to the Brighter Together Podcast on all major podcast players here.

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Thank you!

I know your time is valuable, so I want to personally thank you for taking the time to learn more about Masterminds.

If anything resonated with you, I’d be honored if you signed up to listen to the private podcast.

I’m a big fan of actually getting to know the people in my world, so if you’d like too say hi and introduce yourself, you can do so here.

Even though we may not have met yet, I wish you the absolute best and hope more than anything that you create a life & business that you love and never stop chasing your dreams.
